Trip · 3-day camping trip
For · Families and campers
Vibe · Challenging and hard
Permits · Yep, reserve a wilderness permit for Big Pine Creek North Fork
Drive · 4.5 hours from LA
Ideal dates · May to September
Pets · Welcome on trails and campgrounds!
This popular trek in Inyo National Forest begins at Big Pine Creek North Fork Trailhead and takes you through a chain of seven glorious alpine lakes. Each lake is named First Lake, Second Lake, Third Lake (you can see where this is going), and the further you hike, the more solitude you'll find. Each lake is fed by the Palisade Glacier, which you can climb or soak up views from the trail. Oh, and don't miss the notorious Temple Crag and waterfalls along the way. Design your own adventure at Big Pine Lakes.
Official National Forest Website
Directions to Campground
Main image credit: Nomadik
Each campsite comes with a:
Take the family to Upper Sage for a pleasant camping trip along the banks of Big Pine Creek. Here, visitors can experience the beauty of the creek that runs along the base of a narrow canyon. Visitors can swim or fish in the creek that is stocked annually with trout, or head to a nearby lake for power boating.
Check-in: After 2 PM · Check-out: Before noon
Nightly Rate: $29
Big Pine Lakes is tucked away in John Muir Wilderness, a 100-mile stretch along the Sierra Crest in Inyo National Forest
The name "Inyo" derives from a Native American word meaning "dwelling place of the great spirit."
John Muir Wilderness was designated and protected by Congress in 1964. Since then, it has become the second most-visited wilderness in the country!
A lightweight, easy to clean customizable leash that comes in a rainbow of colors.
A neat way to pack, carry, and organize dirty shoes.
Personal Stuff
A cute and colorful patch that repels mosquitoes with a natural repellent.
It's pricey, but Supergoop! makes putting on sunscreen feel smooth and easy.
A nesting set of collapsible cookware that saves space in your camp kitchen.
It's pricey, but this picnic/camp/play blanket is easy to clean and lasts.
Shared Gear
Keep water cold and your family hydrated with this sleek, non-leak water jug.
Lighten the load from car to camp with this highly-rated collapsible wagon.
Essential Items
Enjoy the small town charm and enchanting wilderness in Idyllwild for this beginner camping trip.