Trip · 3-day backpacking trip
For · Friends and beginner backpackers
Vibe · Challenging and hard
Distance · 11.8 miles round-trip with 2,959 feet of elevation gain
Permits · Yep! Reserve a $15 Ten Lakes wilderness permit at least a week at 7 am PDT before your trip. Additional campers are $5 each.
Drive · 4 hours from SF
Ideal dates · July to September (after the snow melts!)
Pets · Not allowed on trails
Yosemite National Park (YNP) is one of California's crown natural gems, featuring 750,000+ acres, 800+ hiking trails, and nearly 95% of the park designated as wilderness. From Yosemite Valley to Half Dome, the park draws about four million visitors a year(!) and was designated as a World Heritage Site in 1984. You'll encounter crowds and occasionally bears in YNP, but you'll never leave disappointed.
Official National Park Website
Main image credit: Hike Arizona
The word "Yosemite" means killer in Miwok, and is the name the Miwok gave to the Awahneechee people, who were driven out of Yosemite Valley by the Mariposa Battalion.
President Roosevelt's visit to Yosemite in 1903 inspired him to sign inspired him to establish five national parks, 18 national monuments, 55 national bird sanctuaries and wildlife refuges, and 150 national forests.
There are about 40 species within Yosemite that are protected under California's endangered species law
A lightweight, easy to clean customizable leash that comes in a rainbow of colors.
A neat way to pack, carry, and organize dirty shoes.
Personal Stuff
A cute and colorful patch that repels mosquitoes with a natural repellent.
It's pricey, but Supergoop! makes putting on sunscreen feel smooth and easy.
A nesting set of collapsible cookware that saves space in your camp kitchen.
It's pricey, but this picnic/camp/play blanket is easy to clean and lasts.
Shared Gear
Keep water cold and your family hydrated with this sleek, non-leak water jug.
Lighten the load from car to camp with this highly-rated collapsible wagon.
Essential Items
Enjoy the small town charm and enchanting wilderness in Idyllwild for this beginner camping trip.